Beloved siblings in Christ, 

I’m writing to share some updates with you about our Children, Youth and Family Ministries (CYF) for your prayers and continued encouragement and support.

After the Cathedral staff restructuring in December, a small team of parishioners and myself have been meeting about once a month. In our meetings, we check in on how the ministry is doing, and what we are being called to do. We have held a CYF town hall and a family pizza party. We have made changes to the welcome message in the bulletin. We are planning a prayer walk and picnic on Saturday, June 22, open to all the parish and with a particular welcome to our children and families. We are planning to host a parent formation series in the fall and some child-focused worship, both in partnership with St. Andrew’s Wesley United Church. I am very grateful for this small and passionate ministry team. 

Last but not least, we have been discussing an expansion of the children and family area in the nave [1] at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. We are going to start by experimenting with removing two rows of pews and putting more mats down, right up to the chancel [2] steps. We will create a wide aisle for those who have received communion in the clergy alcove, so they can get back to their seats without having to navigate the mats. We will have this set up starting on Sunday, June 2nd. I encourage you to let me know your thoughts and feedback, and I will share them with our CYF ministry team. 

Jesus taught us that we have a lot to learn from little children and that the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (Matthew 19:14). Children are an essential part of our congregation and their innate sense of joy and wonder in the world, their honesty and their curiosity are such important qualities to cultivate on our spiritual journeys. This past Saturday, a small group from the Cathedral joined me for a prayer walk in Pacific Spirit Park. My 3.5-year-old son also joined us and he kept pulling me out of myself insisting on stopping to look up at the trees. I was not always good about receiving the invitation. The church is one of a few places in our society which has the beautiful gift of being intergenerational. Let’s nurture and cultivate the gift of the diversity of perspectives and ways of encountering God. 

Thank you again for your welcome of the youngest members of our community and for helping us find ways to open our doors and our hearts ever wider.

Your sister in Christ, 



[1] The main interior part of the church.   

[2] The part of the church near the altar.