Evening Prayer with music in a variety of styles.

Sundays@4 features a different 45-minute music-centered worship each Sunday, based on the service of Evening Prayer following the Revised Common Lectionary.

Please join us in-person for Sundays@4. These services are not livestreamed.

4pm Weekly in the Cathedral

Sundays@4 services are not livestreamed - please join us in-person. Incense is used.


Sunday March 9 - Lent 1
Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir

Sunday March 16 - Lent 2
Taizé service, sung by a small ensemble.
The Taizé Community is an ecumencial Christian monastic community in eastern central France, and an important site for Christian pilgrimage, especially among youth. The music developed by the Community places emphasis on broad participation, achieving this by using charmingly simple and meditative refrains and responses that are repeated in the manner of a mantra.

Sunday March 23 - Lent 3
Holden Evening Prayer, sung by a small ensemble.
Holden Evening Prayer is a musical setting of the evening prayer service, written in 1986 by Marty Haugen at Holden Village in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State.

Sunday March 30 - Lent 4
Organ Vespers - a prayer service with solo organ works inspired by the readings (Neil Cockburn, organist)

Sunday April 6 - Lent 5 (Passiontide)
Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir

Sunday April 13 - Palm Sunday - Remembrance: Prayer for the Opioid Crisis
Sung Evening Prayer, including music from the Taizé Community, sung by a small ensemble.
The Taizé Community is an ecumencial Christian monastic community in eastern central France, and an important site for Christian pilgrimage, especially among youth. The music developed by the Community places emphasis on broad participation, achieving this by using charmingly simple and meditative refrains and responses that are repeated in the manner of a mantra.

Sunday April 20 - Easter Day
There will be no 4pm service on Easter Day. Compline will be sung at 8pm.

Sunday April 27 - Easter 2
Broadway Vespers - a prayer service with solo and duo Broadway vocal works inspired by the readings

Sunday May 4 - Easter 3
Organ Vespers - a prayer service with solo organ works inspired by the readings (Neil Cockburn, organist)

Sunday May 11 - Easter 4
Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir

Sunday May 18 - Easter 5
Sung Evening Prayer, including music from the Taizé Community, sung by a small ensemble.
The Taizé Community is an ecumencial Christian monastic community in eastern central France, and an important site for Christian pilgrimage, especially among youth. The music developed by the Community places emphasis on broad participation, achieving this by using charmingly simple and meditative refrains and responses that are repeated in the manner of a mantra.

Sunday May 25 - Easter 6 - Africa Day
Hymn Festival - suggest your favourite hymns to sing in advance - details on how to request will follow.