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These members of Christ Church Cathedral are a small sample of the 43,800 Vancouverites (1) who regularly travel to work, school, do errands by bicycle.

That means “swapping just one trip per day from driving to cycling for 200 days of a year saves half a ton of CO2  over the course of one year - the equivalent of a one-way flight from London to New York.” (2)   Impressive!


June 3 - 9, 2024 is Go-By-Bike Week in BC

HUB Cycling, a Metro Vancouver organization that promotes cycling, is partnering with MOBI by Rogers to offer free 24-hour passes for the use of a shared Mobi bike. To inquire or register contact:

Those who usually travel by public transit are also contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas. In Metro Vancouver hundreds of thousands of transit users are climate heroes, too. Are you one? We’d be interested to learn how you move around the city. 

CATS - Climate Action Through Stewarding - is encouraging you to join in.
Do you walk most places, car-pool, drive an e-car or a hybrid?  By taking direct, personal action, all of these modes significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

Your CATS Ministry is encouraging each of us to walk, cycle, take transit or car pool during the go-by-bike week June 3 - 9—especially on Sunday, June 9.

Thumbs up to all of you. Share your story with CATS. Visit our table during coffee hour on Sundays, or email us at:



1. BC Cycling Coalition statistics 2023/4

2. CyclingUK (2024)