If you have tickets for this event on Saturday, February 22nd, here are a few things you might find useful to know:
• The doors will open at 5:15 p.m.: please try not to be late.
• We will need to vacate the building by 8:00 p.m.
• The custodians need to set up for services the next day. However, dancing will continue till almost 8:00 p.m.!!
• Please bring your ticket with you if possible.
• Parking at Park Place is available for the usual Sunday fee.
• Please wear a name tag, available on arrival. There are many newcomers attending and it will be good to have names on.
• Find a place at any table where you would like to sit. Save your place by writing your name there with the supplied crayons.
• Pictures are also encouraged!
• Wine available for sale: $5 per glass, $20 per bottle.
• Soft drink Buble: $2 per can.
Can’t wait to see you there.