Marriage enhances life together, provides deep joy, and offers life-sustaining strength in the relationship between spouses.

The commitment to a life-long union is a very special one, and we are happy that you are considering celebrating your special day with the Christ Church Cathedral community.

Couples wishing to celebrate their wedding at the Cathedral should contact the Cathedral Office to find out more, and to make further arrangements. 

Cathedral weddings are special

Cathedral weddings all take place as a part of Christian worship in the Anglican tradition.

The Cathedral welcomes all who are serious about deepening their Christian faith. We are a caring community filled with people who believe and who doubt, people who experience joy and sorrow, people who are seeking companions on the journey of life, and all that it entails. 

Email for More Information
Tying the Knot?
Take the next step

Cathedral clergy are ready to discuss your plans for the day.

Your next step is to make an appointment through the Cathedral office. One of the Cathedral's priests will meet with you, get to know you, and walk you through the shape of the Anglican wedding liturgy.

Together, you will discuss the flow, music, readings, and prayers for the service.

Marriage Preparation

Any successful long-term relationship takes work. That's why all couples seeking marriage at the Cathedral are connected with an approved marriage preparation course.

This course provides both partners with a chance to work together to discuss those things that might challenge your marriage, and to identify and celebrate all that makes your relationship strong.

Booking a Cathedral Wedding

If you are interested in getting married at the Cathedral, contact Christ Church Cathedral. Cathedral staff will be in touch with you for a brief conversation and will connect you to a clergy member who will walk with you through the process of preparing for a wedding in the Anglican Church of Canada. This process includes preparing for your wedding with an approved marriage preparation course. 

Please note: all weddings at the Cathedral are a religious ceremony, presided over by Cathedral clergy.