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Volunteers Urgently Needed

Volunteering at the Cathedral is a great way to make new friends, enhance your spiritual life, and strengthen your connection with the Church. The following ministries are seeking new volunteers:

Altar Guild

  • Holy Linens taken home to wash and iron
  • 1 x 5-6 weeks on Saturday to wash vessels, replacing flowers, refreshing baptismal water etc.
  • 30-45 minutes following 10:30 AM Sunday service, cleaning up and preparing for next service
  • Special occasions (i.e. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving), preparing and cleaning up

Cookie Bakers

  • Home-baked or purchased cookies for the gathering following the 10:30 AM Sunday service
  • Cookies are made according to each bakers' choice and placed out with help of custodian
  • 3-4 dozen cookies 1x month

Coffee Ministry

  • Scheduling of Sunday coffee servers

If you are interested in volunteering for one of these ministries or need more information, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Nicky Seppala at or 604-682-3848.

Thank you!