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Longtime Cathedral parishioners Rosalind Kellett (daughter of Margery Kellett, who recently celebrated her 102nd birthday!) and her husband Neale Adams exuberantly offered heartfelt thoughts on their many decades of attending Sorrento Centre, and its significance and importance to multiple generations of their family. 
Reflections from Ros Kellett:
I attended Sorrento for the first time in 1972 at Neale's suggestion and enjoyed meeting Cathedral friends Cynthia Llewellyn and Hilda Gregory there. I remember sitting in the sunshine under the shade of an apple tree, having lunch and discussing the church's mission in the World inspired by the morning session, and relating it to our personal lives and the life of Christ Church Cathedral. This was a wonderful place to be for a spiritual respite as well as an inexpensive vacation with friends and family. Then my parents John and Margery Kellett got involved, inspired by the great speakers and programs that were offered in morning and evening sessions of each summer. Archbishop Ted Scott and then Bishop John Spong drew many crowds to Sorrento to hear their inspiring words and call to action. Both of our children later served as Summer Youth Staff and learned leadership and life skills. All of us loved the relaxing surroundings, the daily swim and beach times, the campfires, outdoor worship, singing opportunities, skit night and the Friday night banquets. It truly gave us happy memories of family, friends, a strengthening of our beliefs and the feeling of God's presence amongst us. We continue to go every year when we can!
Reflections From Neale Adams:
My history with Sorrento Centre goes back to 1970. It has grown and developed and much has changed, but much has stayed the same. We took our young family there almost every summer to enjoy swimming at the lake, morning prayer, the Friday Eucharist before supper, the special Sorrento songs at campfire, the walks through the woods and up to the town for supplies, camping in our van (when we had it) and staying in a cabana. Sorrento has been part of so many memories, and part of so much of our lives.