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Join Cathedral parishioner Kerry Baisley ODNW and former Christ Church Cathedral interim rector and veteran Sorrento Centre course leader the Rev. Canon Dr. Richard LeSueur for the week of July 21-27 at Sorrento Centre. They will be co-leading a course titled “Can the Past be Reconciled? Two Histories, Two Lands”. Kerry Baisley has served in numerous lay capacities at Christ Church Cathedral and in the broader diocese over the years, is currently the Missioner for Indigenous Justice for the Diocese of New Westminster and presently serves on the Board of Governors at the Vancouver School of Theology. Read below for Kerry’s words on Sorrento Centre: 

When we moved to BC I became active in what was then known as the BC Anglican Youth Movement or BCAYM. Around 1975 or so I went to Williams Lake on a BCAYM Summer Project, and it was there that I first heard about Sorrento Centre. Every visit there has been a memorable experience! On a recent trip I had the opportunity to spend time, on an Associate’s weekend, with the Anglican Church of Canada’s Indigenous Archbishop Chris Harper and his wife Tracy. During another visit to the Centre, a number of us had the experience of trying to make birch bark baskets and learned the first steps of how to make pine needle baskets under the patient guidance of a First Nations Elder. I also had the great privilege of developing and participating in a course with Katherine Murray and Mary-Ellen Kelm at Sorrento a few summers ago. In July of this year I again have the privilege of working with others there, this time it is with the Rev. Canon Dr. Richard LeSueur. I was one of the lucky ones who went on Richard and Rhonde LeSueur’s last tour of Israel-Palestine in 2019. Since that tour we have had conversations about the shared histories and attitudes towards land that are present in Israel-Palestine and in Canada/First Nations relations. In our course we will explore possibilities of Reconciliation and Peace Making. Who knows where the journey will lead us! 

-Kerry Baisley