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Kaka Felesia

Kaka is a Kenyan newcomer to Canada. Volunteering gives her purpose because she knows her work contributes to something greater and helps to build a strong, supportive community while establishing meaningful relationships.


Gordon Matheson

Gordon is a retired Professor of Orthopaedics at Stanford University where he practiced sports medicine, taught undergraduate students, and engaged in research. He has given more than 250 lectures in 16 countries. Gordon is now trying his hand at church work. He has experience chairing the Board Governance Committee for the International Justice Mission and has held several leadership positions at Stanford. He does have much to offer to the Cathedral community.


Eunice Ndegwa

Eunice grew up in Kenya and was brought up in a Christian way. She moved to Vancouver in March 2024. The Cathedral was the first religious community she attended here and has been in love with it ever since. She strongly believes that giving back to the community is a Christian imperative.


Liz Otton

Liz was born and raised in Vancouver. She attended the Cathedral until age 18. She attended local schools, then local colleges, majoring in English Literature and Philosophy. She homesteaded in the interior for several years, then returned to Vancouver to study the trades, mainly carpentry, and worked in that field for several years. She has returned to the cathedral to regain a sense of purpose in a place that recalls the peaceful environment of her childhood.


Lisa Randall

Lisa, from Northern Alberta, worked for years as a Director of Nursing/Hospital Director. She went to South Africa on vacation, married, and lived for five years under Apartheid. She worked for twenty-three years in ten cities in Saudi Arabia including a stint in Lahore, Pakistan, for Imran Khan. An avid traveller and long-distance hiker, She spent months trekking the Annapurna circuit and Everest base camps in Nepal and Tibet. She arrived five years ago, a refugee from the ice and snow of Alberta to a warm welcome at the Cathedral.


Derrick Sekiziyivu

Derrick grew up in Uganda, moving to Vancouver just this past March and has already founded Therrid, a digital marketing agency as well as a non-profit, the Gaia Refugee Foundation. A strong believer in community, Derrick attends the 10:30 service and is also a member of the Stewardship Committee.


Nicky Seppala

Nicky started attending the Cathedral on Easter Sunday 2012.  Realizing that she had found her spiritual home, she volunteered as a Cathedral Office receptionist where she remains happily to this day!

Susan Koppersmith

Susan is a retired Waldorf and public school teacher. Besides enjoying her volunteer roles, she writes poetry, sings in choirs and watches a lot of movies.


Andrea Gailus

Andrea is a cradle Anglican who enjoys volunteering when she is not involved with her large family of 4 adult children, their partners, and 6 grandchildren. Andrea has attended the Cathedral for 10 years and volunteers as a receptionist in the office, and a few other ministries as well. She enjoys cooking, entertaining, organizing, reading, movies, and welcoming people to the circle.