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Healing ministries have been an important part of the life of CCC for many years. Ministries, over the years, have included, home visits by ordained and lay ministers, home communion visits, prayer in person or distance, healing touch in person or

Prayer Link

Names of people needing prayer are submitted by a book in the alcove or leaving a message at the office. A large number of people receive the list of names weekly and are committed to pray for the named people during that week.

Healing Prayer

The Cathedral’s Healing Prayer ministry has been a part of the worship community for decades.

It began in the 1970’s with Margery Kellett as coordinator, offering individuals prayer after the Thursday midday Eucharist in the church. Over the years the team of “pray-ers” grew and today we have 20 active “pray-ers” who offer prayers during Eucharist at the Sunday 10:30 service, and pray with the presider on a Wednesday at noon offering healing prayer after that service. Andrea Gailus co-ordinates this ministry group.

During Covid, the healing prayer team members met on Zoom every Thursday at noon to offer prayers for those on the Prayer Link and others who had asked us to pray. This practice finished in June of 2023 when we were able to go back to the alcove on Sunday mornings.

Healing Touch

The Cathedral’s Healing Touch ministry has not been around as long as Healing Prayer but for the last 24 years the team has been an active part of the healing presence at the Cathedral. During this time, practitioners have offered in-person and distance healing sessions, maintained regular practices for the team and have offered training workshops for the local healing touch community. All members have received training and certification.

During Covid, the offering of sessions on Sundays was suspended. To introduce HT to those attending the Cathedral who may not be familiar with this practice, the ministry plans to re-introduce offering sessions on select Sundays between services. A brochure describing Healing Touch is usually available at the welcome desk in the narthex or in the office.