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What’s your money doing? Do you know that Canadian banks are funding Oil Sands expansion? Unwittingly we may be contributing to fossil fuel development. Come and learn about greener investments. A beginning discussion on wise use of our resources.

About our presenters:

Michelle Marcus

Michelle Marcus is a divest and reinvestment activist. As a UBC student, she successfully lobbied UBC to divest from fossil fuels in 2019. She is a co-founder of Change Course, a national organization mobilizing young people to take action to pressure the Big 5 Canadian banks to divest from fossil fuels and Indigenous rights violations.

Karl Perrin, Suzuki Elder

Karl Perrin has been a climate activist at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver since 1993. He started its Green Fund which upgrades its buildings to decrease its carbon footprint. He initiated a church carbon offset program for members’ flying activity. After fighting the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion for 12 years, he is now encouraging divestment from fossil fuels, and the banks which support Tar Sands expansion.

Please join the Cathedral Cats in attending what promises to be an informative and thought-provoking forum.