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Join the other churches in our deanery (a deanery is a section of the Diocese - an Anglican diocese is made up of multiple deaneries) for a pilgrimage in the southern part of our deanery. Participants are invited to bring lunch, and we will eat together at the last church on our stop. 

We will gather at 9am at St. Michael's Multicultural Anglican Church, meet at rougly 11am at St. Margaret's Cedar Cottage and then end at about 1pm at St. Mary the Virgin. The walk can be walked in full or joined for sections. 

The theme of the pilgrimage is Walking and Praying for Trees.

No need to RSVP or register. We will walk rain or shine. 


A message from Mother Amanda at St. James on the deanery walk: 

We are now into the Season of Creation; a time set aside each year when the Anglican Church gives particular attention, through prayer and action, to its Fifth Mark of Mission: To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Last year, dozens of people in our Deanery joined together on a truly epic pilgrimage day: several walked the entire journey from parish to parish, and many others welcomed the pilgrims at each station for prayer and refreshment. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience the diversity of our Deanery: from city streets to parks; busy roads and quiet pathways, noticing God in all we encountered. It was also a joy to connect with people from our neighbouring parishes; to remember the wider Church of which we are a part, as well as the various neighbourhoods to whom we are called to share God’s love.

Although very worthwhile, it was also a very LONG day! So, this year, on Saturday, September 28, we are planning
a somewhat shorter walk connecting three of the parishes in our Deanery. 

May we all be renewed in our call to be active participants in the care and nurture of the earth that nurtures and
sustains us so faithfully, and which God loves so much.
Mother Amanda