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Join Rev. Areeta and parishioner, Liz McCausland, to celebrate and learn more about women in the Christian tradition in this multi-part series to celebrate women’s history month. All are welcome! 

Upcoming forums: 

Sun March 16 (9.15am): Join parishioner, Liz McCausland, and Dean Chris to explore the work and thought of contemporary Anglican priest, philosopher and theologian, Sarah Coakley. Dr. Coakley's work is wide-ranging, including reflections on the theology of the body and mysticism. 

Sun March 28 (9.15am): Join parishioner, Liz McCausland, and Rev. Areeta to explore various women's contributions to prayer and spirituality. 

Previous forums in the series: 

Sun March 2: A facilitated conversation about women and the church: leadership, challenges to equity, types of feminism and ways in which women have impacted our spiritual lives. 

Sun March 9 (note: this 40-Minute Forum was be held following the 10:30am service): Spiritual care provider, Georgia Omwa, shared some of her rich experiences in being a woman in ministry. Georgia has a Master's in Theological Studies from Regent College. She is originally from Uganda, studied in Kenya and is married to a Kenyan Anglican priest, and now works in Vancouver providing spiritual care at two Providence Living care facilities. 


A note on liturgy: 

As part of our celebration of women's many contributions to the Church, in addition to our 40-Minute Forums, we have sought to intentionally feature women in our service leaflet and in our liturgy. Some of the ways we have done this include: 

Stay tuned for a reading list of female spiritual authors!