Dear Friends in Christ,
Moving through the Third Week of Lent, I am reminded that Lent is a season of transformation, a time to turn back to God with our whole being. This past Sunday we heard Isaiah remind us that God’s invitation is open to all:
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters… Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:1,6).
This is the heart of metanoia—not just repentance in a narrow sense, but a complete turning, a reorientation of our desires toward God. Metanoia is at the core of Orthodox spirituality: a movement away from the illusions that entangle us and into the life of divine grace.
In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the fig tree that has not borne fruit. The owner wants to cut it down, but the gardener pleads for more time:
“Leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down” (Luke 13:8-9).
This is a profound image of God’s patience with us. God does not demand immediate perfection but nurtures our growth, giving us time to turn back and flourish. However, the parable also carries urgency—transformation is not something to put off indefinitely.
A Lenten Practice for Week 3: The Prayer of Returning
To cultivate metanoia this week, I encourage you to adopt the simple yet powerful practice of the Prayer of Returning:
1. Set aside a few moments at the end of each day.
2. Sit quietly and recall your day, asking:
3. Pray these words slowly, letting them sink into your heart:
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Draw me back to You.”
4. End by asking for the grace to wake up tomorrow with a heart more open to God’s love.
Metanoia is not about shame but about awakening—a shift in perception that allows us to see the world, ourselves, and others in the light of divine love. It is an ongoing process, a daily practice of returning, of saying “yes” to God’s grace again and again.
Metanoia as Mission: A Church that Invites
As we walk this path of transformation, we must also be bearers of God’s invitation. Isaiah’s words—“Come, all you who are thirsty”—are not just for us but for all people. As a Cathedral community, we are called to extend radical hospitality, welcoming those who are seeking, those who feel lost, those who long to return.
May this week be a time of deep turning, a time of rediscovering God’s love and sharing it with those who hunger and thirst.
In Christ’s peace,
Dean Chris