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8 October 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,

As we gather this Thanksgiving, it’s easy to focus on the usual things—good food, family, friends. And those are wonderful blessings, especially stuffing and gravy! But as followers of Jesus, Thanksgiving calls us to go deeper, beyond the comforts of that day, and reflect on how we are living out our calling to be stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to us. To be co-creators of the peaceable realm.

In 1 Corinthians 4:2 Paul gives us a good reminder, “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.” Everything we have—our homes, our relationships, our very lives—is a gift from God. And those gifts come with a purpose. Friends, we are on a mission, each one of us, to serve God’s kingdom here and now. Our task is to take what we’ve been given as stewards and use it for the work of God’s kingdom in the world, wherever we find ourselves.

This world is our mission field. From the encounters in passing with our neighbours, to everyday conversations we have at work, to the way we care for the poor in our communities, to how we steward the earth’s resources—these are opportunities to live out our faith. When we look around at our blessings, the real question becomes: how are we using them to bring hope, healing, and the good news of Jesus and God’s love to those around us?

In this season of gratitude, I urge us all to consider: How are we stewarding our time, our talents, and our resources for God? Are we sharing what we have with those in need? Are we building relationships that reflect the love of Jesus? Are we supporting the mission of our parish to be a light of hope in the world? These aren’t just questions for Thanksgiving—they are questions for our lives as disciples of Jesus.

As a church, we are called to be both grateful and generous. To take the abundance we’ve received and put it to work for God’s purposes. This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to think beyond the meal and ask yourself how God might be calling you to step deeper into mission, to use what you have been given for His glory and the good of others.

In this same theme, I am pleased to introduce to you the Cathedral Stewardship team led by Jane Osler and consisting of James Conklin, Emily Pritchard, Jennifer Barr, Shadrack Badria, Derrick Sekiziyivu, and Ian Birtwell, plus Rev. Kevin de la Mare as chaplain and Kathy Irwin as staff liaison. You will be hearing from them in the upcoming weeks as we seek to grow in how we serve as stewards of God’s creation through the work of the Cathedral.

May God bless you and your families this Thanksgiving. May we not only give thanks with our words but live lives of gratitude through service, stewardship, and sharing the love of Christ with the world around us.


Blessings to you!

Chris +

The Very Rev. Christopher A. Pappas, Dean & Rector