After returning to Vancouver and moving into an Independent Senior Living facility, I became horrified at the amount of flexible plastic that was used and then tossed into the garbage cans making its way into landfill and the oceans where it would have long and devastating effects on the environment and marine life.
I began by sharing my fear of what was happening with other residents, many of whom were unaware. I set up a system where they would bring me their flexible plastics and I would take their contributions to the Vancouver City Zero Waste Recycling Depot on Yukon, just south of SW Marine Drive. One of the residents, who is able to speak both Mandarin and Cantonese, was very helpful in getting the message across to those whose English is not strong. I did plastic pickups from people every Friday evening. They learned to squish the plastic into balls to conserve space. But, my place is small, and my dog and I were thinking we’d have to vacate, even though we had upped the frequency of our trips to the recycling depot. It was time to speak to the building management.
The manager saw the need! He was in total agreement—right on board with every idea! He researched and found excellent bins and made an information sign. None was available at the Recycling Depot or City Hall where I’d tried to make contacts.
Somehow or other, I’ve also inherited taking batteries, light bulbs and occasionally small electronic bits and other pieces for recycling. My visits to the recycling depot are now every two weeks. We have so much that my dog can no longer accompany me as the car is filled.
We are hoping that the City will institute a collection for flexible plastics. Current volume from our facility that is being diverted - more than the equivalent of two extra-large garbage bins every two weeks.