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God is the ultimate owner of everything in the world. We are merely temporary caretakers or stewards of God's possessions. Good stewardship involves acknowledging this truth and using the resources entrusted to us in a way that aligns with God’s will and brings glory to God's name.

During the Season of Creation [Sept 1- Oct 4],  I challenge each of us to find a way through action that we can acknowledge that Creation is God's and we are called to be good stewards of it for God. Using the critical thinking skills God has endowed us with we can discern ways to be better stewards. What will we do?

  1. Use our bike or transit more often and our cars less?
  2. Reduce our use of water by cutting down on the length of showers? 
  3. Not turn on the lights in the evening and/or morning before/after a certain time?
  4. Shop for food based on whether sourced/ grown locally ---Support Local?
  5. Ditch single-use plastics?
  6. Challenge ourselves to be zero (or reduced) waste---Reduce, reuse, recycle?
  7. Pack it in, Pack it out--leave little or no trace wherever you go... maybe even pick up trash that you see?

Whatever you decide that suits your a good steward!