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“We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land. but it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand” (BCP 258) 

From October 11-14 2024, Associates of Sorrento Centre ( gathered for the annual Thanksgiving Associates Weekend. Over the course of those days, Sorrento Centre grounds and maintenance staff, associates and members of the St. Mary’s Anglican-United parish in Sorrento BC worked together to get numerous projects completed on the Centre’s expansive property. The Centre’s Board of Directors, led by board president Jason Cruickshank, also met on the Saturday to discuss the work, business and mission of Sorrento Centre. Board members who were unable to attend in person participated via Zoom, as did Archbishop Lynne McNaughton. Christ Church Cathedral’s deacon emeritus, the Rev. Alisdair Smith, led the worship sessions during the long weekend, preached the Thanksgiving homily at St. Mary’s on Sunday morning, and offered numerous thought-provoking talks. 

At the opening gathering on Friday evening, the Centre’s Executive Director, the Rev. Michael Shapcott, offered words of thanksgiving for and remembrance of the lives of longtime Sorrento associates and devoted servants of the Centre, Herbert O’Driscoll, Elizabeth Peto and Joy Thompson. May the souls of these faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 

Associates, board members and some of the Centre’s staff enjoyed a Saturday evening gathering in the lounge of Spes Bona, the Centre’s office building, following a busy day of meetings and working on seasonal projects on the grounds. All on site worked together over the three days to complete countless tasks to prepare the Centre’s grounds for the winter season ahead. These tasks included raking, beach path clearing, grass cutting, chopping of wood, removal of apple tree suckers, weeding, placing of bark mulch, storing away of outdoor chapel pews and other outdoor furniture, removing moss from roofs, paint/stain touch-ups and many other important autumnal chores! Associates also helped the Centre’s office staff with some administrative jobs, including doing inventory in the gift shop. 

Sorrento Centre Associates (from British Columbia and from Alberta, in equal measure) of all ages and abilities worked faithfully and diligently together over the weekend, and Dean Chris’ young granddaughter was no exception! She busily chipped in raking leaves and composting various vegetation alongside of her various family members there and Cathedral parishioners Jane Dittrich and Sue Cruickshank. On Sunday, all were treated to a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner lovingly prepared by the Centre’s hardworking kitchen staff. It was a delicious dinner, and also provided a wonderful time of catch-up and fellowship for all gathered, following a busy few days of enthusiastic toiling! Much of the produce used for this dinner came from the Sorrento Centre’s organic farm. 

During this weekend, Dean Chris Pappas (Rector of Christ Church Cathedral & Dean of the Diocese of New Westminster) and Cathedral representative to Sorrento Centre Jane Dittrich met with the Centre’s Executive Director, the Rev. Michael Shapcott (deacon) and the Centre’s Associate Director Kathie MacDuff to further discuss the plans surrounding the 2025 Cathedral Week @ Sorrento Centre. The date for next year’s Cathedral Week is July 20-26, and one of the course leaders will be the Rev. Dr. Harold Munn. Please diarize these dates, and stay tuned in the coming months for developing information and for related registration details!

-Jane Dittrich