We are pleased to announce the conclusion of our extensive search for a new Director of Music. After a rigorous process involving auditions and in-person interviews with our three finalists, we are now in the final stages of making our decision.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the dedicated members of our search committee: Morna Edmundson, Brigid Coult, Ben Dobyns, Bryon Hanson, Ted Chiasson, Michael Law, Ian Alexander (consultant), Jane Osler, and Mark Halyk. Their commitment and hard work have been invaluable throughout this process.

We also want to thank the entire choir for their invaluable participation. They generously dedicated their time over three separate evenings to audition the candidates, providing crucial feedback and evaluations.

The committee is confident that any of the three finalists would make an outstanding Director of Music. However, we needed to choose which would be the perfect fit for Christ Church Cathedral. Dean Chris aims to announce our new Director of Music in July.