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Below are highlights presented at Vestry by Jennifer Barr about the development of a Strategic Plan for the Cathedral. With God’s will, we will draw on the strength and work of our past, incorporate the opportunities around us and fulfill our hopes and dreams for what we wish our future to be!

A Steering Committee was struck late in 2024 and we have developed a timeline for a process with multiple opportunities for input by our Cathedral community. All work is being conducted by volunteers. If you would like to get involved, please let us know.

Introduction at Vestry
March: Launch a Census. This will provide an up-to-date profile of our community as a whole as well as the various congregations

April: Analysis of Census, launch a “Future Outlook Survey” to obtain your input on our future

May – June: Analysis of the Future Outlook Survey with a presentation of high-level results; conduct Listening Circles for further input

July-Sept: Draft strategy/plan

Oct-Nov: Present draft strategy/plan & conduct listening circles for feedback

Presentation to Vestry: Strategic Plan and aligned budget

The Census addresses:
• Where we currently live
• Where we come from (think ancestry and cultural heritage)
• Our demographics, life stage and socio-economic indicators
• And our Cathedral volunteerism

We are aiming for full participation in the Census. It is an online survey to be launched mid-March. There will be “Helpers” at each Worship Service (8 am, 10.30 am and St Brigid’s) to assist anyone who needs help. If you know of anyone who may have language or technology issues, please tell them to approach one of the Helpers, a Committee member or Trustee so that we can arrange a respectful way to obtain their information.