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June 30 - O Kanata* - Our Village on Native Land

The first Sunday of our 2024 Cathedral Summer Festival will feature sacred music of Canadian composers, including Andrew Balfour, Eleanor Daley, Rupert Lang and Russell Wallace.

*Huron-Iroquois word for “Village”.

July 7 - Four Choir Festival

Representative singers from 4 choirs: CCC Choir, Chor Leoni, Elektra and EnChor will combine forces to celebrate shared historic events over the years, such as Rachmaninov’s Vespers and the CBC anniversary celebration concert - both at the Chan Centre. We welcome guest conductor Morna Edmundson.

July 14 - Le Quatorze Juillet

Featuring 20th-century French composers through the music of Maurice Duruflé, Jean Langlais, Olivier Messiaen, Louis Vierne and Pierre Villette.

July 21 - Hymns and Psalms and Spiritual Songs

Exploring a variety of hymns and psalms and spiritual songs through the skilled arrangements of Eric Banks, Moses Hogan, Shawn Kirchner and Alice Parker.

July 28 - Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

Celebrating the laying of Christ Church’s cornerstone 130 years ago (to the day - July 28!), as the “Root House” grew into the building we know today. The music will include that of early organists Ferdinand Dunkley and Frederick Chubb.

Saturday afternoon July 20 at 3:00pm* - The Flowers of Parnassus: A Woman’s Voice in Early Music

This special performance shines a spotlight on the 17th-century German Poet Laureate Gertrud Müller (1637-1705) and her Flowers of Parnassus songbooks, created in collaboration with Brandenburg court chapel master Johann Sebastiani (1622-1683).

*A special Spotlight Concert, as part of our Summer Festival this year.