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Dear Friends, 

I’m delighted to introduce you to a Pastoral Care Team that will join our other pastoral care ministries here at the Cathedral. Pastoral care is a core ministry of the church, shared by the parishioners, deacons and priests. It comes from the word ‘pastoral’, related to the care of the flock. In these ministries, we care for each other in the joyful and difficult times on our journey. 

This pastoral care team will be doing a range of things to care for the congregation, including visiting with parishioners who are not able to attend services on a Sunday due to living in a care facility or illness or for other reasons, and sharing communion with them, as well as a card ministry to stay in touch with parishioners who aren’t able to regularly attend and to celebrate anniversaries (like baptisms and weddings). You'll notice a change at the end of our services, as their ministry starts up. We will be sending them and other ministers out on behalf of the whole congregation to visit those who are not able to physically be present with us, but who are still an important part of our community. 

The members of our pastoral care team are: James Conklin, Donna Marlatte, Dorothy Watts, Chris Roulson (co-chair), Catherine White, and the Rev. Areeta Bridgemohan (co-chair). We were delighted to commission and bless their ministry at the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, April 21st.

If you are interested in serving, or know of someone who would benefit from a visit from the Pastoral Care Team, please contact the Rev. Areeta Bridgemohan. 

Gracious God, your Son before he ascended to glory declared that your people would receive power from the Holy Spirit to bear witness to him to the ends of the earth: Be present with all who go forth in his Name. Let your love shine through their witness, so that all who come to them may see your glory in all that is given, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.*




Image 1: Catherine White, a parishioner of the 10.30am service, holds a black home communion kit in her hands

Image 2: Some of the members of our team (from left to right): Dorothy Watts, Donna Marlatte, Catherine White, Rev. Areeta Bridgemohan and Chris Roulson.